Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What Is Your Business “Plan of Action”?

By G. L. Giddings

No matter where you are in your business opportunity, this is the time to reflect on the leadership skills that will be required of you along your career path. Take time to review your current career goals and plan and ask yourself a couple of important questions: 
•Will my plan of action provide the experiences and professional development I need to achieve my goals? (Another words: “PLAN, DO, and REVIEW”!)
•Do I have a track record of high-level performance? If not, what do I need to do to get better? (PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT – read a chapter of a good book a day.)
•Do I have the right mentors to help me adjust my career plan and develop the skills I need most? (TELL ME; SHOW ME; LET ME; GROW ME!)
•Am I knowledgeable about my personal style, motivations and capabilities, and their effect on others? Would personal coaching help me become a better people leader? (FIND A WORKOUT PARTNER.)
•What adjustments in my personal commitment and accountability must I make in order to successfully reach my personal and business goals? (INSPECT WHAT YOU EXPECT!)
•Am I focused on my RESULTS or my MONEY-MAKING ACTIVITIES? (Setting in-person appointments, booking professional presentations, making phone calls, etc. Stop focusing on your RESULTS and start focusing on the ACTIVITY!)
Once you have the answer to these questions, you can better decide where to better spend your time developing your leadership skills and how to effectively grow your team and business.

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